Tuesday May 12, 2020
PodCase 5: A child presents with a 2 day history of a limp
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Dr Molly Hunt will take you through a paediatric case whereby a child presents with an acute limp through the eyes of a junior doctor, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved.
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
🎙 This week we decided to share our experiences of working on the frontline during COVID-19. This is an honest firsthand account of our journey so far in this pandemic. Sharing how our day to day work-life completely changed over the span of a few weeks. We delve into the challenges of PPE, dealing with critically unwell patients, NHS morale and the victories thus far. We recount the changes we have all witnessed as an army of healthcare workers in the NHS and our thoughts on the future.
This is your opportunity to finally gain an insight into life behind the scenes of this pandemic.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access online MedEd and Foundation Year 1 Resources During COVID-19 Check out:
To get in contact please email:
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Podcase 4: Stroke - A 66 Year Old Women Presents with Collapse and Confusion
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Welcome to Podcase 4 - Stroke
Dr Shah will take you through a stroke case through the eyes of a junior doctor, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved. Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights.
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this podcase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday May 03, 2020
Episode 35: Doctors make The Worst Patients!
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
🎙 This week we’re back as a duo and its a funny break from all the COVID!
🗣 Today we talk about Amz's experience when he got admitted as a surgical patient, we follow his journey while I was stuck at home unable to get hold of him! He tells us about his experience of being admitted and going through the NHS system, the difficulties and frustrations he experienced from a patients perspective.
Find out how he fainted but more importantly the lessons we can all learn as medical professionals in this world of servitude.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access to all the best online MedEd during COVID-19 check out:
To get in contact please email:
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Podcase 3: A 66 Year old Gentleman Presents to A&E with SOB and a History of COPD
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Welcome to Podcase 3 - COPD
Dr Ozcan will take you through a COPD case study but through the eyes of a junior doctor, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved. Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights.
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this podcase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
🎙 Dr Sami Dost- Escaping War torn Afghanistan to Decoming a Doctor, Educator and Learning to Love what you Do
Sami is an academic F1 doctor working in the heart of London. He finds research fascinating and has been involved in since medical school, where he graduated with a distinction in preclinical sciences, clinical sciences and clinical practice. He is a keen medical educator using his platform @thefriendlydoctor with over 17k followers to teach students across the world
Sponsor: Quesmed.com is a brilliant exam bank and revision aid with over 3,800 medical questions, 10,000 flashcards and a full online medical book.
Use ‘Scrubbedin25’ for a 25% discount on any subscription!
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access to all the best online MedEd during COVID-19 check out:
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Podcase 2: Hyperemesis - A 24 year old Pregnant women Presents with Nausea and Vomiting
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Welcome to Podcase 2 - Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Dr Abdul will take you through a nausea and vomiting case study but through the eyes of a junior doctor, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved. Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights.
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this podcase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
🎙 Dr Faisal Jamshaid - Why I turned away from surgery to general practise to live the life I want.
Faisal is an Academic Foundation Doctor and the Founder of YoungAcademics, a Research Collaboration Platform for Medical Students and Clinical Researchers. He writes a weekly newsletter, sharing bite-sized articles on the topic of self-improvement, productivity, life in medicine and other cool things he’s up to. He’s also recently created a Youtube Channel, which you can check out in the description below.
Sponsor: Quesmed.com (@quesmed) is a brilliant exam bank and revision aid with over 3,800 medical questions, 10,000 flashcards and a full online medical book.
Use ‘Scrubbedin25’ for a 25% discount on any subscription!
Blog/Newsletter: https://faisaljamshaid.substack.com/
YoungAcademics: https://www.youngacademics.co.uk/
AFP book: https://afpbook.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZItyUPriU_NfgEcMQfVLTA?view_as=subscriber
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fai_j/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/faisaljamshaid/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/faisalj95
To access to all the best online MedEd during COVID-19 check out:
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Podcase 1: ACS - A 66 Year old man presents with Chest pain
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Welcome to our first ever Podcase!
Dr Amz will take you through an ACS (STEMI) case study but through the eyes of a junior doctor, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved. Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights.
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this podcase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
This week we discuss the importance of balance for medical students in leadership roles while being students. We explore how to make the most of your £9k degree at university, mentorship and the why the world is now fascinated with global health. Find out how our ‘not so great’ first impressions of Tafsir completely changed after a last minute maternal aid trip to Bangladesh alongside all the funny and wonderful stories. He shares first hand his experience of helping pregnant mothers lacking access to healthcare, which led him to eventually becoming the Head of Academia and Innovation for MAA.
Tafsir is a medical student at UCL with an iBSc in Global Health. He is the Head of Academics & Innovation at @maacharityuk. He is passionate about helping students overcome barriers to entering medical school and is a mentor for UCL Target Med outreach programme. He is currently a UCL medical school admissions interviewer and has a strong interest in MedEd with his role as marketing lead for startup @medigateuk. With award winning success as president of @uclbsoc and treasurer of UCL Friends of MSF Society.
Hosted by: Dr Amz and Dr Rahyead
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scrubbedin_/
For all business inquires please contact: scrubbedin.podcast@gmail.com