Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
In this week’s episode we talk to Shaheen, founder of Black Antelope Group where we delve into the true reality of the glitzy world of Law. He shares his journey from practicing law at a community level to founding his own firm and taking legal action against the Mayor of London. Tune in to this jam packed episode and see what it takes to be an award winning lawyer.
Shaheen Mamun is an award winning the Director of Black Antelope Group having previously served as a Trustee at the Habeas Corpus Project. He serves on the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee of The Law Society. Recently appeared on a Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland discussing the importance of leadership and the role it has played in his career to date.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
Medigate: Courses & Conferences | E-Portfolio | Automated Teaching Feedback
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Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Podcase 10: A 48 year old male Presents Critically Unwell and Unconsciousness...
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Get scrubbed in with Dr Amrit Thiara (ICU Registrar) to see a 48 year old male who presented to resus critically unwell and unconsciousness. Learn the importance and value of using of an A-E systematic approach.There will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved and do a bit of thinking!
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results if prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
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Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
In this week’s episode we talk to the founder of Maa. We learn how one crucial moment in Aqil’s life triggered a life long mission to help save the lives of mothers across the world. All while being a medical student at King’s College London! We start from the very beginning and find out what drives him, how he dealt with being rejected from medicine, the moments when it all nearly fell apart and the lessons learned.
Dr A Jaigirdar is a junior doctor working in the NHS and the founder of Maa (Maternal Aid Association) a global health charity driven to reduce maternal mortality in resource poor settings. To date they have helped over 3000 pregnant mothers, educated 700+ young females with a global team of more than 160 members.
To learn more about Maa visit: https://maacharity.org/
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
Medigate: Courses & Conferences | E-Portfolio | Automated Teaching Feedback
To get in contact please email:
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Podcase 9: A 69 Year Old man presents with Arm Numbness...
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Get scrubbed in with Dr Khan (Double board certified - Critical Care Specialist) to see a 69 year old male present with a history of symmetrical arm numbness that proceeded to dyspnoea and chest pain. This cases teaches you the importance of taking a thorough history! There will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved and do a bit of thinking!
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results if prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
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Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Podcase 8: A 54 Year Old man presents with Severe Chest Pain...
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Get scrubbed in with Dr Nikki Stamp (Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon) to see a 54 year old patient with a a history of severe chest pain for 2 hours! There will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved and do a bit of thinking!
PodCase Resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gKAKbpMoB5YK1T3dEPn0WBTxxD2GJLfI?usp=sharing
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results if prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday May 31, 2020
Episode 39: Can you be too Old to Chase your Dreams?
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Dr Osama suwar, began his journey in retail, lost his way a little and so reset his life in another city. He found his way into banking and back in London but with a new hunger to chase a childhood dream that was buried by circumstances. He fought his way into medicine against odds and the challenges of life didn’t stop. He had to work to sustain finances as a mature student, he couldn’t sometimes sit exams due to the need to work to support Medicine. Today he is a doctor and a advocate for social prescribing and mental health. If your thinking of studying medicine, or chasing any dream for that matter – this journey of Osama will change your perspective.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access online MedEd and Foundation Year 1 Resources During COVID-19 Check out:
To get in contact please email:
Wednesday May 27, 2020
PodCase 7: A 38 year old lady presents with Lethargy...
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Get scrubbed in with Dr Ambreen to see a 38 year old patient with a headache and history of lethargy! There will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved and do a bit of thinking!
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday May 24, 2020
Episode 38: Why Productivity is Killing Enjoyment
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
In this week’s episode we talk about the high popular term - ‘Productivity’ and what it means for us in lockdown and life in general. We talk about the increased emphasis people now place upon it and why it actually leads to destroying enjoyment. As we become super obsessed to becoming the most productive person ever. We delve into the power of habits, how to make use of your time effectively and why being ‘busy’ is a fallacy.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access online MedEd and Foundation Year 1 Resources During COVID-19 Check out:
To get in contact please email:
Thursday May 21, 2020
PodCase 6: A 35 year old lady presents with a headache
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Nealy, a physician associate at two London General Practices, will take you through a very common presentation seen in the community. She runs through the case through the eyes of a physician, there will be moments when you can pause the audio to get involved.
Please head over to our Instagram page to interpret the investigations and results when prompted, they will be available as highlights. A Quiz on this case will be up later on in the week!
We hope this encourages a new and novel form of medical education.
If you have found this PodCase beneficial please send us your email so we can send out a feedback form and please share with colleagues.
To leave feedback
Sunday May 17, 2020
Episode 37: Why the Poor Dad Finally Wins - 'Poor Dad Rich Dad'
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
🎙 Have you ever thought that an education is not needed in today’s world? With the rise in entrepreneurial activity in the current generation this week we had an old school debate about ‘poor dad rich dad’ from the world renowned book by Robert Kiyosaki.
We discuss why the 'poor dad' can be regarded as the actual winner in a stark contrast to the book in the current COVID-19 climate. We delve into the value of education, financial stability, job security and why being an entrepreneur comes with its pitfalls.
Listen as we argue about the value of entrepreneurship versus higher education and why necessity is the mother of invention.
Tune in to find out what our thoughts are about 'Poor Dad Rich Dad' in this pandemic.
Instagram: Scrubbed In
YouTube: Scrubbed In
To access online MedEd and Foundation Year 1 Resources During COVID-19 Check out:
To get in contact please email: